Safeguarding your Account
Managing and Safeguarding your Credit Union Account
The purpose of this guide is to provide you with insight into how best to safeguard the funds in your credit union account. Regardless of the amount of your savings, all members should be aware of the methods of how to best manage their money, as well as how to protect and safeguard their money from financial abuse and fraud.
All persons are potentially vulnerable to financial abuse, but this is particularly the case where you are dependent on another person to do your day-to-day transactions, owing to a physical or mental incapacity as a result of an illness, a learning disability, a bereavement, or other circumstances where you need the help of another to take care of your money.

Membership has many benefits...
Flexible & Convenient Loans
Members can take out flexible loans immediately after joining, and repay at tailor-made schedules. Subject to criteria, all of our loans are fully insured (for free), against disability or death.
Modern Banking
Our members have the option of registering for online banking, allowing you to transfer funds, pay bills, apply for our services and much more.
Quality Service from local staff with No Fees
You can be assured of a professional service from Credit Union at all times. Our phone lines are open Monday to Saturday for your convenience. You do not pay a transaction fee for saving with us, or borrowing money.
Automated transactions
As well as transacting at the counter, members can pay in to their account by direct debit, standing order and credit transfer or by making a debit card payment through online banking.