Community Champions Award

The Community Champions Award is a special €10,000 prize for one of our local community groups.

We appreciate the hard work and dedication shown by these groups in making our community better.

We are looking for projects that are creative and have the power to make life better for people in our community. The award shows how much we care about working together and making our community a great place for everyone.

We aim to fund capital projects that leave a lasting impact, with a particular emphasis on environmental change and ESG focus for the good of the community.

Laois County Council - Wikipedia

Applications are now open. Closing date: xxth of xx 2024 at xpm.

What is the award?

The People First Community Champions Award 2023 is a special €10,000 prize for one of our local community groups. It's to appreciate the hard work and dedication shown by these groups in making our society better. We want projects that are not just creative but also have the power to make life better for people in our community.

This award shows how much we care about working together and making our community a great place for everyone. This award is supported by Laois County Council and Laois Public Participation network.

Who is eligible to apply?

Any not-for-profit community or voluntary group can apply. Commercial organisations and individuals are not eligible for funding.

What projects/costs are eligible for funding?

The following provides a non-exhaustive list of projects that could receive funding under the award. This award should benefit our common bond areas of Portlaoise, Abbeyleix, Athy, Stradbally and surrounding areas of the common bond within a 5km radius.

  • Development/renovation of community centre
  • Community amenities
  • Development of youth clubs or facilities
  • Development of sports/recreation facilities
  • Improvements to town parks and common areas and spaces
  • Public realm improvements
  • Streetscaping
  • Development of play/recreation spaces
  • Energy efficiency type projects
  • Purchase of equipment
  • Website Development
What is not eligible for funding?

The following expenditure is not eligible for funding:

  • Any project not in keeping with the ethos of the Programme
  • Employment costs
  • Legal fees
  • Project management fees
  • Purchase of lands or buildings
  • Feasibility studies
  • Private or commercial operations
  • Costs which are being paid for by another funder or department
  • Day to day running and expenses
  • Utility Bills (electricity costs, refuse charges, heating charges)
  • Operating costs (eg existing rental/lease costs, insurance bills.
What is the selection criteria?

Applications will be evaluated by People First Credit Union Community Funding Committee along with Laois Public Participation Network and Laois County Council to ensure eligibility and that they are targeted at addressing our guidelines. Projects must be in keeping with the ethos of the award, which is to provide funding to communities across Ireland to enhance facilities in disadvantaged areas.

Projects may also be judged having regard to how they:

  • Support local groups and clubs, for the development of the community.
  • Invest to increase or extend the use of the facility, for example, to voluntary and community groups;
  • Have a positive impact on the environment, for example, a reduction in energy consumption;
  • Support the creation of a sense of place within the community including through the enhancement of the built environment;
  • Address health and safety issues; and/or,
  • Invest in technology which will be accessed by individuals and communities
  • Projects may also be judged having regard to additional criteria deemed appropriate by People First Credit
  • Union which demonstrate the added value of the project or element of a project in suitably addressing the programme's aims in our common bond area.

Applications must be made from non-profit organisations or charities.

In making this application to People First Credit Union, please note the following:

  • The application will be treated as incomplete without the form being completed in full.
  • Only groups or organisations will be considered. People First Credit Union does not sponsor individuals.
  • Eligible applicants must be members of People First Credit Union's common bond. Please contact the office if you are unsure of your eligibility.
  • People First Credit Union will agree funding guidelines to the recipient regarding photo opportunities, and PR opportunities.
  • Funding will not be released until sponsorship guidelines have been carried out by the organisation and approved as satisfactory by People First Credit Union.
  • All organisations applying for People First Community Funding need to outline project details, including project amount.
  • The information supplied by the applicant group /organisation must be accurate and complete.
  • Misinformation may lead to disqualification and/or the repayment of any grant made.
  • It is the responsibility of each organisation to ensure that it has proper procedures and policies in place, including appropriate insurance, where relevant.
  • Late applications will not be considered.
  • The award will support groups, and charities who have a project that benefits the community. The award is not to be used for the purposes of day to day running expenses, overheads etc. The fund does not provide funding for the pay or employment of staff.
  • The activity or project must benefit the local community.
  • The information supplied by the applicant group /organisation must be accurate and complete.
  • Misinformation may lead to disqualification and/or the repayment of any grant made.
  • It is the responsibility of each organisation to ensure that it has proper procedures and policies in place, including appropriate insurance, where relevant.
  • Evidence of expenditure, receipts/invoices must be retained and provided to People First Credit Union or their representative if requested.
  • People First Credit Union's contribution must be publicly acknowledged in all materials associated with the purpose of the funding.
  • The Community and Voluntary Awards is presented to you by Laois County Council and Laois Public Participation Network. They will join People First Credit Union on the judging Panel for the decision on the award.
  • The decision of the judging panel is final.
  • A detailed breakdown of costings must be supplied for the proposed projects.

Section A: Organisation Contact Details

Section B: Contact Person Details

Section C: Project Details

Social media, press opportunities, advertising etc.

Section D: Organisation Details

Section F: Declaration and Consent

I declare that the information given on this form is accurate and correct.

I confirm that I have read and fully understand the Terms and Conditions of the People First Community Champion Awards 2023.

I confirm that this grant application is submitted in acceptance of and compliance with the Terms and Conditions.

I confirm that the application group/organisation does not have the funding to undertake the work/project without this grant aid or alternatively that the grant will facilitate a larger project which they would otherwise be unable to afford.

I give permission for People First Credit Union to collect and store the data entered on this form, in accordance with the credit union privacy policy.

Our 2023 Winner and Runners-Up

Overall winner: Portlaoise Tidy Towns

Portlaoise Tidy Towns stood out for their unwavering commitment to environmental preservation, community engagement, and impactful initiatives aimed at enhancing our communal living spaces. The 'Community Champions Award' acknowledges and seeks to bolster the volunteer group's ongoing dedication to biodiversity. This includes the implementation of a Biodiversity Walk featuring themed sculptures and informative boards, designed to educate participants on ways to contribute to their community and align with the climate action plan. The walk, dedicated to the County of Laois and its residents, aims to empower individuals to actively engage in fostering biodiversity.

Runner-up: Abbeyleix Bog Project

Abbeyleix Bog Project is a community led conservation project. The Abbeyleix Bog Project is considered one of the leading conservation projects in the Country. Abbeyleix Bog encompasses an area of almost 500 acres of diverse habitats including degraded (but recovering) raised bog, lagg, cutaway, wet carr woodland and meadows. By restoring degraded peatlands, the Abbeyleix Bog Project has not only contributed to reducing carbon emissions – a boon for Ireland’s climate change mitigation efforts – but has also repaired key wetland habitats, which has major benefits for the nation’s biodiversity. In addition, the project has provided delightful recreation and education spaces, attracting walkers, students, researchers and nature lovers.

Runner-up: Dunamaise Beekeepers

Dunamaise Beekeepers Association have a focus on education over profit. Offering classes to burgeoning beekeepers and information to young bee enthusiasts about our most important pollinator at many events around the County. Their beautiful apiary is located on one of Irelands historic properties in Stradbally, surrounded by wild native plants and native trees. In Ireland, crops such as apples, strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, blackcurrants, peppers, courgettes and pumpkins are reliant on bees for pollination. No-Mow-May is an annual campaign which encourages people to let green areas develop without cutting back or mowing for the month of May. This allows native Irish wildflowers like dandelions, clover and birds-foot trefoil to grow.

Terms and Conditions

Applications must be made from non-profit organisations or charities.

In making this application to People First Credit Union, please note the following:

  • The application will be treated as incomplete without the form being completed in full.
  • Only groups or organisations will be considered. People First Credit Union does not sponsor individuals.
  • Eligible applicants must be members of People First Credit Union's common bond. Please contact the office if you are unsure of your eligibility.
  • People First Credit Union will agree funding guidelines to the recipient regarding photo opportunities, and PR opportunities.
  • Funding will not be released until sponsorship guidelines have been carried out by the organisation and approved as satisfactory by People First Credit Union.
  • All organisations applying for People First Community Funding need to outline project details, including project amount.
  • The information supplied by the applicant group /organisation must be accurate and complete.
  • Misinformation may lead to disqualification and/or the repayment of any grant made.
  • It is the responsibility of each organisation to ensure that it has proper procedures and policies in place, including appropriate insurance, where relevant.
  • Late applications will not be considered.
  • The award will support groups, and charities who have a project that benefits the community. The award is not to be used for the purposes of day to day running expenses, overheads etc. The fund does not provide funding for the pay or employment of staff.
  • The activity or project must benefit the local community.
  • The information supplied by the applicant group /organisation must be accurate and complete.
  • Misinformation may lead to disqualification and/or the repayment of any grant made.
  • It is the responsibility of each organisation to ensure that it has proper procedures and policies in place, including appropriate insurance, where relevant.
  • Evidence of expenditure, receipts/invoices must be retained and provided to People First Credit Union or their representative if requested.
  • People First Credit Union's contribution must be publicly acknowledged in all materials associated with the purpose of the funding.
  • The Community and Voluntary Awards is presented to you by Laois County Council and Laois Public Participation Network. They will join People First Credit Union on the judging Panel for the decision on the award.