11 October 2021
PFCU "Step Up" to the Challenge for Sierra Leone
People First Credit Union taking part in Step Up - 10 million steps in 10 days
People First Credit Union is excited to announce that it will be taking part in the first-ever CU Challenge - Step Up organised by the ILCU International Development Foundation in conjunction with the Irish League of Credit Unions.
Staff and volunteers will be entering a team and joining the fundraiser to ‘virtually walk/run’ 10 million steps in 10 days from the League’s office on Mount Street, Dublin to the Foundation’s field office on Fort Street, Sierra Leone. The challenge starts this morning Monday 11th October and will run until Wednesday 20th.
The aim of the event is to raise awareness and funds which will go towards the continued development of credit unions in Sierra Leone. The funds will enable them to provide much-needed access to affordable and ethical savings and loans and empower their members.
Seán Dunne, CEO of People First Credit Union said “We're very excited to start our first ever CU Challenge along with all of our colleagues and volunteers in the credit union movement. We are excited to support the Foundation and know they do some amazing work helping communities get access to basic financial products and services. We are delighted to get behind the Step-Up challenge #MountSt2FortStreet and are determined to help them reach the 10 million step mark.”
Further information: If you need more information on the Step-Up CU Challenge, visit the Foundation’s website: www.ilcufoundation.ie/stepup or email foundation@creditunion.ie.